Tips to Survive Working from Home

So it happened, you are now working from home. Whether you are working from home due to the virus or you just started on this adventure, there are some things you need to know. When I first started working from home, I was a little out of sorts. You see, I have never had a job where I had any independence. I had always worked in a traditional environment. I never had the opportunity to roll out of bed in my pajamas and throw on workout clothes and sit in my home office. I never had the opportunity to just relax in the morning, until now. Let me give you some tips to survive working from home based on my experience.

I kind of fell into working from home. I had worked in the traditional work environment, a medical office, classroom, etc., and was envious of those who had work from home jobs. I then started to get numerous online teaching jobs that were my “side hustles”. I worked a full-time job and had these on the side. Then there came a time and I was given the opportunity to work from home full time. I was nervous and anxious, but I decided this was something I was meant to do at this time in my life. So I took the plunge.

I had gotten advice from others. I had heard to wake up every day as if you are going to a regular job and get dressed in work clothes. Take breaks at the times just like in a regular office and you will be fine. The night before my first day in this position, I did not get much sleep. I was up rather late to be exact and when my alarm went off, I just kind of hit snooze. I slept until 7 am!!! This was big for me! I had been waking up at 5 am and earlier since I graduated from college and began my journey into the working world. Now, let me start by saying I did not have a specific time to be online. My online jobs were strictly task-oriented, so it did not matter what time I worked as long as I got my job done.

Back to my day, I woke up, took the dog out, got my breakfast and began my day. Oh, and I did not get dressed. I wore workout clothes. I worked for a little while and then I got kind of bored. I walked into the kitchen to get some food and then walked around the house a little, walked outside and got some air. Then, I sat down at my desk again and worked some more. Then I did the same thing again and again until I was done with my work. What was nice was that instead of having this commute home, I just walked into my living room and turned on the television.

This was my routine for the first couple of months. It was good, then my butt got bigger and I noticed the weight I gained from my trips to the refrigerator and the lack of activity. The lack of running around a busy office or classroom, the lack of even walking to my car, the lack of all of that just crept up on me. I then decided that I needed a routine each day and that would help me to get the weight off and to feel more focused. And it did. I began to feel more focused and I lost the weight I gained and I truly began to love working from home and the freedom it gave me.

Here are just a few tips I did to help me get back on track and that I use to survive working from home:

1 – Have a daily routine! It does not necessarily need to be exactly like working a job in a regular environment, but one that you do each day. I do wake up at the same time each day, do my devotional and prayer and then start working. I wake up in a way that gives me time to wake up and so I don’t feel rushed. Then I start my day.

2 – Get out of the house!!! I have a fit bit I use to track my steps. I make it a point to get out of my desk chair and walk around. I am the type of person who works and gets sucked into my work. I can easily find myself sitting in front of the computer for hours at a time, so I am sure to get up and walk around, sometimes I even work out in the middle of the day to get up and moving.

3 – Wear whatever you want, just be sure to put on regular clothes every so often! I live in athleisure, because I can and because it is easy unless I have somewhere to go. Then I actually have to get up and get ready and put on regular clothes. I wear my athleisure because I like to work out at some point during the day and that makes it easier for me. Plus, if I am not going anywhere, what does it matter??!!!

4 – Plan time with friends. If you are like me, most of my friends work a regular job. However, they can still take lunch breaks and even want girls night with friends. Take advantage of these things. If you have a husband or boyfriend, this is important also. Otherwise, you will spend the entire time you are with them, talking their head off.

5- Enjoy it!! I am so serious! Enjoy this time! I love it and am so grateful that I can work from home. I am grateful that for the most part, besides conference calls each week, I can plan my schedule exactly as I want. I know what I have to do each day and as long as I do my tasks, I am good, some days are longer than others, but I would not trade it!

I know if you are just getting started with working from home, it will be an adjustment. For some of you, this may not be permanent, you will eventually go back to your place of work, and for others, this might be your new normal. If you need help or other tips, feel free to reach out. I have been doing this for 9 years, so I consider myself an expert!!!!



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