Coffee Mate and a Coffee Bar – The Perfect Combination for Holiday Guests

This is the time of year when guests come to town. This includes all kinds of different parties that include a wide variety of foods, especially desserts. There are even those occasions, where the guests spend the night. With all of these guests coming in and out, you want to be sure that you are ready for all the different tastes your guests have.

What I mean by this, is when you go to serve coffee for dessert or breakfast, there are guests who have different tastes in what they like with their coffee. There are those who like black, black with sugar, cream only, cream and sugar, and those who are like me. I am the girl who did not love coffee. As a matter of fact, I had a favorite soda that I indulged in instead. However, my tastes changed as I discovered the different creamers out there. I usually joke around that I like a little coffee with my creamer! There are so many flavors that make my coffee taste just like a sweet, indulgent treat!

As you can see from my pictures, I have discovered a Chocolate Creme and a Hazelnut that are perfect additions to my coffee. For my bar, I even add little extras like marshmallows and candy cane, just to make festive coffee drinks. My guests love these coffee drinks and like to be able to have something a little different from what they normally indulge in. I have so much fun coming up with different coffee drinks! I sometimes include little menus with all of the add-ins and creamers so that my guests can just mix them up and try them. It makes for happy guests all of the time!

It is so great that I can also just order online at walmart. I can click on the link and add the flavors to my cart and they arrive at my house in no time! When I don’t have time to face the holiday traffic, this is the perfect way to get everything delivered right to my front door.

Be sure to check out the other great flavors from Coffee Mate. Share with me some of your favorite ideas for your coffee bar. They are so much fun and sharing different ideas makes it even more fun!



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