Easter Decorations for the Home

Easter is my second favorite holiday right behind Christmas. It really is! I think it is because we get over Christmas and put up our decor and we might even celebrate Valentine’s Day, but it is so dark and dreary and cold outside during this time. January seems like the longest month ever and then we head to February and as it ends, there is like a light at the end of the tunnel. Then we get to Easter!!!! Since I love it so much, I have accumulated a great deal of Easter decor and I am here to show you my favorites!!!

Where do I get my decor? I just pick up my Easter decor wherever and whenever. Meaning, if I am out or if I am online and I see something I like, I pick it up. I have found some great items in boutiques that are unique. I have also found great ones in the Dollar Tree and Dollar General. TJ Maxx typically rocks my world and then I just look at stores every time I enter one.

When I was younger, my mom had an Easter tree that she made. She got a tree branch, painted it white and put it in a basket and then got decorations to go on it. Another thing she had was a sugared egg. My brother and I loved it when she would get it out. It had the little Easter scene in it and we would just sit and stare at it. These two things started my love for Easter. So in keeping with this tradition, I have a pink tree that I use for Easter and I have a sugared egg that was given to me when I worked in the nursery in one Easter. This lady made them for all of the workers and I just love it even more.

I like to go all out with my decorating and it just brightens my day to see the bunnies and chicks. Bunnies are just so awesome! The colors are also so fun!! I just love pastels and that makes me love it even more. And then there is the candy!!! My favorite candy ever is Easter candy, but we are going to save that for another post!!

We all know the real reason to celebrate Easter is the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus and that is the most important reason to celebrate it. At the end of the day, that is the true reason for the Easter holiday, however, the reason I focus on bunnies and eggs and chicks has more to do with the change of seasons than anything else. The coming of Spring is like the change of the seasons and the bunnies, etc. represent the transition into warmer weather.

Anyway, that is why I like Easter and decor. Below is some of my favorite Easter decor and I hope that you like it also. Remember to always keep your eyes open and if you see something that you like, be sure to pick it up and add it to your collection.



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