
Apple Nachos

Apple Nachos

One thing about when you hit the age of 40, you get a little surprise around your middle, not to mention other spots, but it really seems to be in your middle.  All of a sudden things don’t fit that well there and it is where every pound you gain seems to sit. While it…

Buffalo Ranch Popcorn

Buffalo Ranch Popcorn

I absolutely love popcorn. I mean, I love it! It does not matter what event I am at, that is my number one go-to at the snack bar. Auburn football, Auburn basketball, the movies, popcorn is my go-to snack. I do not want anyone trying to tell me how fattening it is or how bad…

Big Mac in a Bowl

Big Mac in a Bowl

I love the Big Mac sandwich, but eating fast food is not my friend!! It is just full of all of the bad things. When I saw this recipe for a Big Mac in a bowl, I was excited. I knew that I could enjoy the taste of the Big Mac without the carbs and…