
Burger Fi Burgers

Burger Fi Burgers

I am not a huge red meat eater, but there are times, when I just crave it! They always say that when your body does crave it, it is missing something. So, when the craving hits, I just have to head over to Burger Fi and indulge in a burger! Now, what kind of burger…

Low Carb Pancake Poppers

Low Carb Pancake Poppers

I love pancakes! Seriously, I am not a big breakfast person, but if I can have anything, I choose pancakes. I like all kinds of them. My favorite are chocolate chip! I especially like the ones from Ihop. The ones with the smiley face on them!! I could eat them quite often! I am watching…

Me and My Gals

Me and My Gals

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. This content is intended for readers who are 21 and over. #Yuengling190 #CollectiveBias #SpreadYourWings I love to have a fun girls night out and when I get together with my fellow creative friends, we not only have a…