The Truth About Comparison

The Truth About Comparison

The Truth About Comparison

“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Phillippians 2:3

I saw the picture. It was great, she looked gorgeous. Her hair was perfect, her makeup flawless, and she was the perfect size 0 or extra small. Her clothes hung on her body like a dream. I bet she didn’t have to wear Spanx. I bet she never had to worry about back fat. I bet she never has a “fat day.” Her post says sponsored and it is with a major company. One that I could only dream of working with. I can tell by watching her stories this is her full-time job. I want to be like her. I want the perfect house, I want the perfect life.

I put my phone down and begin to look in the mirror at myself. The wrinkles are starting to show, I say I am trying not to get Botox, but let’s be real, it is an unnecessary expense in my life. I have a closet full of clothes, most of which I cannot fit into thanks to the over 40 pounds that found my behind a couple of years ago. Sure, I have lost weight, but I am just not where I was. I pull out my athleisure and get dressed to start my day. My full-time job is not my blog, my blog will have to wait until I am done. I walk down the hall to my kitchen that could use a renovation. My house is older and needs work, work that costs money, and work that makes my head spin to think about.

I sit down to work and pick up my phone again. I look at her posts and then mine. Ugh! There is no comparison. No comparison at all. And you know what, there is no comparison because we are both different in every single way.

We all have our own journey, we all have different looks, we all have different gifts. And that is okay. God did not create us all to be on the same track and have the same lives. He created us all different right down to our looks. And sometimes, we have to take a deep breath, get off social media and realize that this is true.

When you work from home, blog, or are trying to run a business, comparison can come easily. It can be easy to look at others when you have done nothing but talk to the dog all day. It can be easy to compare when you so badly want the success you see others have. It can be easy to compare when we are feeling anything other than good about ourselves. But the truth is, we shouldn’t.

I pick up the phone again to waste time while working. I look at her pictures and while she looks like she has it all, I think about how there are others who might look at me and think that very same thing.



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