The Liberex Sonic Facial Cleansing Brush

I remember the first time I used a sonic facial cleansing brush, I thought I had died and gone to skincare heaven. I bought one and really did not know what to expect. As a matter of fact, my skin did the exact opposite of what you might expect when I first started using it.

You see, I have never had to worry about my complexion much at all. I am not trying to brag or anything, but that is something I have just not had to deal with. When I got my first sonic facial cleansing brush, I read the instructions, I charged it and I waited anxiously to use it. The first time I did, my face glowed and looked so polished. I was amazed! It felt cleaner than it ever had. I was thrilled. Then, about two days into my face cleansing journey, I noticed my forehead began to look, well, a little preteenish. What I mean by this is that it completely broke out! We are talking acne invasion!

I freaked out! I called the company and they informed me just how this cleansing brush was working and that in actuality, it was cleaning better than ever. It was pulling so much dirt and oil out of my pores that my face was breaking out as a reaction. I was actually disgusted to think how dirty my face had been all of this time, but I was also intrigued. What was this brush doing that nothing else had done to get all of this nasty dirt out of my pores and off my face??!!!

I began to learn and understand more about how these sonic brushes really cleansed the skin. How the sonic pulses move the brush in such a way that it dislodges all of that nasty dirt and oil from your pores and then you can easily remove it from your face. I loved it and have used mine regularly.

I was then gifted this great product to try from Liberex and just wondered if it would do the same or even just a little bit of what the other product did. I removed it from the box and read the instructions and it sounded similar. Then I charged it so that it would be ready for action.

The Liberex sonic facial cleansing brush worked like a charm. It has three modes. The first one is weak for massaging, the second one is for exfoliating and the third is for deep cleaning. You put it on the mode you want and then start on the first part of your face, such as the forehead. Then you hear a beep and that means to move to another section of your face. After one minute, it then shuts off.

I was able to use this in the shower. You can use it in the sink and it is compatible with any cleanser you may use on a daily basis. Then, guess what??!!! It is less than half of the price of the name brand product we are all so familiar with. So, yes, you get all of this and more for less than half of the price!!!

I love my Liberex cleaner and I am so glad I was able to try it out and get my skin clean and glowing again. You can get a discount of 10% off with code KARA10 and you can find the brush here:  Head over the the Liberex site and see what else they have to offer:

I have also linked some of my favorite facial cleansers below that can be used with this sonic facial cleansing brush. If you are wanting to try a sonic facial cleanser, I suggest this one. For the price, this is definitely a must have in facial care.

Facial Cleansers

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