The Best Products to Add to your Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

I don’t think it is any secret that getting old can be frustrating. I mean you wake up one day, look in the mirror and see wrinkles and sags that you cannot believe are there. You almost want to do a double-take. One day, I swear, I thought I was looking at my grandmother! But no, it was just me!

With this being said, I am always on the search for products that help with these signs and I have found a few to add to your beauty arsenal. They are from a company called Alchimie. I first saw an advertisement for their firming gel for neck and bust and knew I needed to try it. You see, that is one of the first areas of women that shows signs of aging. So, that is one of the first areas you need to start treating.

This firming gel was great! I could tell almost instantly that it tightened up that area. It got rid of that crepey look that we see so much when we age. The natural antioxidants begin to immediately target this area and help to provide the much-needed moisture to keep it from looking so aged. Did you know the lack of moisture can create wrinkles on your skin? Yes, they can, so proper moisture is much needed.

We all know that fine lines occur around our eyes. We also know that dark circles can become our friend in times that we do not get enough sleep, or should I say frenemy??!!! There is nothing worse than looking in the mirror and looking like you need several hours of sleep and then add the lines and it is a disaster!

Thie eye cream is just the ticket. It contains jojoba and cocoa butter which add moisture to decrease crepeyness. There are also other natural ingredients to reduce the appearance of dark circles and fight against the signs of anti-aging. An eye cream is essential for every woman’s beauty routine and this is no exception.

I think the number one thing about aging is losing that youthful glow in your skin. Your skin can look dull and lifeless and needs work in order to keep it looking alive and glowing. This mask has been the key to restoring that glow. When I used it, I could feel it working and not in a bad way. As soon as time passed and it was time to rinse off, my skin was glowing. I loved it! It felt and looked youthful and clean.

Many women hear the term moisture for their skin and freak out! They think breakouts and oily skin and shine that is out of your control. Well, we all need a little moisture on our skin.

Alchimie has more products to be added to your skincare. These were gifted to me, but as I tell everyone, I love to try out all products and give honest reviews of them. There is even a pigment lightening serum for those pesky brown spots, but I have not used it enough to give a thorough review! These products have done wonders for my skin and I cannot wait for you to try them for yourself!




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