My Favorite Chick Flicks

I just love a good chick flick!!! If I have my choice, those are the movies I pick to watch every single time. They have happy endings and many times, you leave with a smile.

I remember one time I was when I was in college, we were going to have a girls night complete with movies. This was back in the days when we have video rental stores. You would go in and rent your favorite DVD. You could rarely buy them, if they were sold, they were usually previously viewed or just a few select movies were sold. There was no Netflix or demand or anything like that to watch a movie at your home other than renting. So any way, I volunteered to go rent a movie. I went and found one and the cover of the case looked like the perfect love story, I even read the back to see what it was about. Now, it did not contain any famous actors or actresses, but still, I thought this was a discovery. It was horrible! Very slow moving and just not good at all. We turned it off after about 30 minutes in and I was told I could never pick out any more movies ever again!!!

That still did not turn me off of chick flicks! I watch them and watch them. If I can I record them and on Netflix mostly chick flicks pop up for my recommendations. If I really like a movie, I even buy the DVD so that I can watch it any time I want and not have to worry about it being erased or anything like that. Yes, I am a little old school!

I watched this one the other night. I have had it since it came out and am trying to get through the book! I decided to go ahead and watch it and loved it! It was cute and it was an escape, which is probably the biggest reason why I like chick flicks.

I know that there are probably others out there who are just as old school as I am. So I have linked a few of my favorite chick flick DVD’s below. I have also linked some blue ray DVD players, fire sticks and echo dots for those that are really moving forward with technology!

I know that everyone has their favorite type of movie. You might even have a favorite chick flick! What is your favorite that if you could watch all day everyday, you would watch it?

Have a great Monday!


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