Ain’t Nobody Got Time for Cellulite!!!

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It all started when I worked for my dad and had a desk job. I was sitting all day long and not really getting up and moving around a lot. This was in the days before the standing desks, so I didn’t know that I was in actuality slowly killing myself with a completely sedentary lifestyle. Here I was sitting all day when summer hit and wearing shorts and shorter skirts was an option. I had gone shopping for spring clothes and found some adorable shorts. I had already planned the outfits I was going to wear in my head.

The weekend came and I had plans to do something with the girls. I was super excited to put on one of the outfits I had planned. I mean, I could not wait!!! I had planned and envisioned it in my head a million times. I just knew this outfit was going to be super stylish. I had done my hair and makeup and had put on my clothes and headed to my full length mirror. What. Was. Wrong with my legs????

Let me start off by saying that I have been blessed with long and lean legs. However, long and lean does not mean exempt from cellulite. There were bumps and dents all over my inner thighs! Yuck! My legs looked like walking jello. I was upset. I mean I work out, well I run and walk, so how did I have cellulite. I was so upset, I changed clothes and quite honestly the whole event ruined my night. As soon as I got home, I tried to research how to get rid of cellulite, only to hear the dreaded words, it is hereditary. Not really the solution I was looking for. I did start some weight training for toning and that helped some, but it was still there.

I know there is a diet you can do to get rid of it, but it is pretty wretched, so that was not really the option I wanted to try. I have searched and searched until I found this cream. I was gifted this to try and I was excited to do it and glad I did.

This cream is not greasy at all. It goes on just like a regular lotion. The directions stated to use it once a day for a week and then twice a day, if you could stand it. If you could stand it?? What was I about to rub on my legs??? So, the first night I got out of the shower and got my lotion and went to town. I applied it to my inner thighs, outer thighs, my rear, anywhere I thought I needed it got the cream! I didn’t feel anything, so I just could not figure out where the “if you can stand it” came from. Fast forward a couple of hours. It was the middle of the night and I got up to go to the bathroom and I noticed my legs felt warm. Not bad, just like a sunburn. At first, I was a little in shock, but then I remembered the lotion. The lotion created this warming sensation on my legs that was not uncomfortable and quite honestly, I liked it because I felt that the cream was working.

I have only done this for 14 days straight, so I do feel like I need more time to see the results. However, I have noticed a difference. My bumps and dents have diminished. They have not disappeared, but they have gone down. I am going to use this until it runs out and I cannot wait to see the results with a little more time. Overall, if you have the money, this carries a pretty hefty price tag of $130 per bottle, I suggest giving it a try. You won’t be disappointed that you did. And who knows, maybe I am much closer to wearing my shorts with pride again!!!

If you are interested, here is the link to check it out:

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