How to Avoid “Office Butt” While Working from Home

I am going to be real with you. The number one thing no one warned me about working from home was how easy it is to get out of shape. Sure you can wear your athleisure all day and do your work. You can also squeeze in workouts during the workday unlike when working in a regular office. Those office treats that show up in the workroom? Well, no worries about those when working from home either. However, have you ever heard of “office butt”? Because it is real and if you are not careful, it can happen to you.
I remember when I first discovered this misshape of my behind. I had heard of it, but for some reason, I truly thought I was immune to getting it. Then one day, someone took a picture of me from behind and that was all I needed to see. I did not need anyone to explain it to me, I had it, I had “office butt”. If you don’t know what “office butt” is, it is when you sit for long periods of time in your desk chair and that sitting causes your butt to take a shape that is, well, just not attractive.
In addition to “office butt”, it is nothing short of easy to get out of shape while working from home. You don’t have walks to your car or lunch hours to get away, you tend to be more content staying in your home and just sitting. That is not so good for our bodies! I have been on the lookout for various products to help me stay in shape while working from home. These are what I use in my office and they have made a world of difference!
The right desk chair – not just any chair will do. You need one that is ergonomically sound. The one I have here has a headrest, lumbar support, you can raise it or lower it and it has padded armrests. It is the best desk chair I have ever sat in!
Pedal or elliptical – I bought this pedal because there were days when I was at my desk for hours at a time. I know sitting is not good and even though I walk the dog most days, I still felt I needed more. I bought this pedal so that I could work a little on my cardio while sitting at my desk. Now when I have those long days behind my desk, I can at least get my blood flowing, which helps me feel better!
Wrist weights – I do not wear these all day, but I do try to wear them for an hour while working. It helps my arms to work a little harder, which makes me feel better after a long day!
Massager – When you sit too long, your muscles get tight. A massager is perfect to get all of the knots out after you have been in a certain posture for a long period of time.
Neck Rest – Sitting at your desk and even looking at your phone, can leave you hunched over and you can develop a hump in your upper back and neck. Not very attractive. After a long day of sitting, I lay on this neck rest for 10 minutes and it helps to realign my upper back and neck and get rid of that hump.
These are just a few of the items I use in addition to walking 2 miles a few days a week and going to workout classes. Let’s face it, no one wants their butt to flatten out and bulge out of the top. Staying in shape is key and when working from home, you might just have to push yourself a little harder to get there!