How to Start Working from Home
When I first started working from home around 10 or so years ago, work from home jobs were impossible to find. Honestly, I fell for one scam after another and then discovered online teaching. I was the butt of several jokes when I got my first job in this area because it was unknown and most people did not understand how online college worked. Fast forward 10 years and almost every college has an online education department.
The development of the internet has made it much easier to find a work from home job. Now a work from home job is much different than starting a home-based business. A home-based business is kind of what I am doing with this blog and it can take time to get it built up to a point of financial independence. However, the teaching that I do on the side, is working for a company and getting a regular paycheck, which is a work from home job.
There are many different jobs you can look into. I suggest maybe signing up for my job leads and going from there. Some you need specialized education, but there are quite a few that do not require this. Once you begin to see what you are interested in and qualified for, be sure to get your resume done and start applying. Need help with your resume? Be sure to reach out to me and I can help you or head over to my post on resume tips and you can get started on your own!
Let me know what kinds of jobs you find!
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