Fighting the Fear of Failure

Fighting the Fear of Failure

Fighting the Fear of Failure

When we have a fear about something, like a failure, it can leave us paralyzed! Fear of failure has kept me paralyzed for a long time now. You see, I want to be successful with my blog. I hear about people who make a good living with their blogs. They make good money, it becomes a business. That is what I want for myself and I have good ideas, but I do not implement them as I should. I start thinking about what other people will think and the criticism I might endure and I freeze completely up!

I am so afraid of failure that I procrastinate and delay. I might be ready to launch a great product for my blog and in my mind, it will be a success. But I let fear keep me from making the product and launching it as I should. I have even let fear derail me and get me off the track I was on with my blog. Ugh!!! Why do I do this???

I know I am not the only one. There are many people who have a fear of failure and they don’t do anything. They might want to start a business, they might want to pursue another career, they might want to start a new hobby and they let fear keep them from doing it. Fear is a terrible thing as I have seen it paralyze the most promising person and stall their success dead in its tracks.

Not only do people have a fear of failure with starting something new, but they have failed before and that fear sticks in their heads like a bad dream and they just cannot shake it. No one wants to fail and most people that start something have no intentions of failing, but sometimes failure happens and what we do after failure is what determines our success.

“For the righteous fall seven times, they rise again.” Proverbs 24:16. Getting up is the key to not letting failure get to us. We have all failed in our lives. It might be something small like you wanted to ask out a certain person and they said no or that you tried out for your high school cheerleading team only to not make it. But I bet most of us did not let that stop us. We found something or someone else to focus on and we worked to forget the failure and try for success.

God has plans for our lives and sometimes a failure points us in the right direction. Sometimes a failure is getting us off the wrong track and onto the right one. Even though we might have failed and not had the success we had hoped for, we still have hope in God and His plans for us. Because at the end of the day, His plans reign supreme over anything we are dealing with.

I have failed more times than I can count. When I look at this blog and where I hoped to be by this time, it might look a little like I have failed. But I will tell you this, this blog is part of God’s plan for my life and even though I might have gotten derailed by fear, I am back on track to success. I have heard what God has told me and I am ready to put the plan in motion.

The next time you are afraid of failing, tell that voice in your head to “shut up” and do that thing anyway. Do not be afraid of failing. Always remember that failing can always get us on the right road to success. All that we have to do is to pray, keep the faith, and trust in God.



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