5 Ways to Avoid Job Search Burnout

When you are looking for a job, that is just like a job. If you have a job, there is nothing worse than using your free time to look for another job. If you are unemployed, hearing “No” or not finding what you want can get frustrating fast. These things can lead to job search burnout. Job search burnout can hinder your job search. Let’s look at 5 different ways you can avoid job search burnout while searching for the job of your dreams.

1 – Get Feedback – If you have been on the search for a while and heard more “No’s” than anything else, it might be time for you to figure out what is going on. Find a friend who is a professional or someone else along those lines and ask them. Ask them to look at your resume, talk to them about your interview, find out what you need to do differently, and fix it!

2 – Fake it ’til you make it – It is so hard to look for a job and going to interview after an interview can really wear on your personality. You can get tired of answering the same questions over and over without getting any results. You have got to find ways to find enthusiasm again and bring that energy to your interview. Use each interview to better your interview skills and that will help you even more in the end.

3 – Make sure you are applying for jobs you are actually qualified for – We can have dreams and that is fine, but do not apply to jobs that you have zero qualifications for. If you are doing that, that is a good reason as to why you are not getting positive results.

4 – Mix things up – Get a new haircut, find a new interview outfit. You might even need a massage if you are tense. Look at something that can help you find to get your confidence back and use that to help you.

5 – Take a couple of days off – If you are looking for a job each and every day, it can get exhausting. While you might be desperate for another job, if it gets to be too much, take a couple of days off. Do something different during that time you used for the job search. That will help you to get your mind off your search and then when you come back, you will be fresh.

Job search burnout is real. It is hard to look for a job and send out resume after resume. You are trying to craft the perfect cover letter and go on interview after interview. These are just a few things you can do to avoid job search burnout. When you feel it set in, be sure to look at this list!

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