Tunics for Women 2020

My Favorite Womens Tunics for 2020

Tunics for Women 2020

Last night instead of worrying about the election, I decided to watch a little Hallmark Christmas. I watched a movie called “Holly and Ivy” and it was so precious. The main characters had dreams they wanted to pursue and yet they were stuck. They seemed to be hitting walls with their families and with the careers they wanted to have. Every time they turned, there was a roadblock.

So, as in the world of Hallmark, it ended up with a happy ending and they actually were able to start taking some baby steps towards their goals. As a matter of fact in the end, here was one of the quotes, “Miracles do happen, sometimes they just take a little longer.”

This quote could not have been more timely. You see, I have a couple of miracles I am waiting on and they have yet to happen. This has been frustrating and at times just downright depressing. I have prayed and prayed and prayed some more and just feel like my miracle is taking its own sweet time.

There are all kinds of quotes and sayings and scriptures about waiting, but it is hard when you are the one doing the waiting. So, today as we wait for an election to be finalized, as I wait for my miracle, I have to take a deep breath and trust in God. I have to trust that there are reasons for the wait and trust that miracles are in the making and about to happen.

Now, let’s talk tunics. They are the best! I love them because they are so comfy and cozy and you can wear them with leggings. For shoes, think sneakers, booties, wedges, flats, anything goes! I just love the look and feel of them. I own several that I can just throw on during the cooler months and dress them up with accessories.

I hope that everyone who is believing in miracles gets theirs. And as for tunics, you need to add a few to your wardrobe. Trust me, you will not regret it!



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