Dossier Designer-Inspired Perfumes
I love a good fragrance. But why do I always like the ones that are so expensive??!! And when did perfume cost $100+ for a good fragrance? I am sensitive to different scents, so when I find one I love and that does not make me sick, I want it! Thank goodness for Dossier. They have some great fragrances that are inspired by designer fragrances and the good thing, they smell just like them and only cost a fraction of the price! Now I can smell good and I don’t have to break the bank! Here is one that I discovered:
If you look at these pictures, what scent do you think of?

These are great pictures that for most of us, take us to a relaxing place that smells like sunscreen, ocean water, and tropical drinks! The fragrance gifted to me, Aquatic Coconut, smells like these pictures and I love it!

If you have a favorite fragrance and the cost is a little out of your league, check out Dossier Fragrances. I am sure you will find one that you love! And guess what? You can get these at Walmart!