Closet Cleanout Tips

So here we are. We are in a time when life has slowed down. It has slowed down so much that we now have time to do those things around the house we have been putting off, like cleaning out our closets. I am not talking about doing a minor cleanout, I am talking about really getting rid of stuff.

It can be hard to part with some of our items, but you just have to keep an open mind about everything you touch. I know that for me it can be hard. There are some items that bring back good memories and I don’t want to get rid of them. There are those clothes that you swear you are going to fit into one day. There are also the discoveries, you know the things you forgot you had.

However, there is no time like right now than to go ahead and rip that bandaid off. So here are a few tips I have for cleaning out and organizing your closet.

1 – Take everything out of your closet! Yes, all of it. It is easier to clean out when you take it all out and go through it one piece at a time. You might even try on some items to see if they fit or if there is that “5-pound” potential. You know, if you lost around 5 pounds it will fit. If you need to lose more, it might not be something to keep.

2 – Make three piles – toss, keep and give away. I typically only do two piles. To toss something, it needs to be in really bad shape and most of my clothes never get that bad, but if you do have those types of items, the toss pile is not a bad idea. You might even trade out toss for sell. You can sell some items and make a little money if you want. I am also all about giving away clothes. I like to find a charity that will give the clothes to people and give to them versus one that sells them. I feel like there are people out there who truly need clothes and if I can give them to them, it is perfect. Then last of all keep, for those items that you just love!

3 – Start to put it back in an orderly fashion. I like to organize it by season and then color and go from there. I have my jeans in one place, skirts, sweaters, etc. all have their place in my closet so that I know how to get to them easily.

4 – My biggest tip to give is do not be afraid to keep some things for sentimental reasons. Now, you do not want to keep a lot of items for sentimental reasons, but a few things are not bad to keep. For example, I have a dress that I love that I bought for a special occasion. I still have it. It fits okay, but the memories I have behind it, make me not want to get rid of it. There is nothing wrong with that. There will be a day I get rid of it, but for now, it is all mine.

I know that cleaning out your closet can be overwhelming. Plan on having a day all to yourself to do this. Try to plan a time when you know you will not be interrupted and that will help also because you can start and power through and get it done. Be sure to check out my tips to keep on hand for cleaning out your closet:

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Let me know if you have any questions, I would be glad to help!



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